Blog Post: To Egypt!

I love to travel and yet Egypt was not high on my bucket list.  I knew one of my spiritual teachers was taking a group in April, but I had no desire to join until… My friend and mentor Michelle stated that she was going to be in Isis Philae Temple on her 50th birthday.  I got the overwhelming feeling that I needed to be there too.   

It was a big decision not only financially but the logistics of travel for a major trip.  I even received a personal message from Isis about the wonderful things that I would be open to if I chose to take this trip.  Here is the message I received.

“Do not fear for your future.  Do not choose from a place of fear.  Make your decision from a place of love and wonder.  Look for the signs, they are all around you.  Know if you choose to do this you will be rewarded way beyond the material.  This is an experience that will enrich your life and reconnect you with your ancient lineage.  You are meant to be a part of this group for there is healing that must be done among its members.

The ultimate choice is up to you, but if you are feeling the call do not miss this opportunity.  It will connect you to more Spirits and open your channel for messages even farther.  If you choose this path I will see that your way will be cleared of all obstacles and only good will be revealed to you.  Choose with confidence, choose with faith and choose with love.”

There was also something beyond this world that was holding me back.  I had an unrealistic fear of being left behind in Egypt.  I knew this was unrealistic and the source was actually from a past life in Egypt where I was left behind.  I enlisted the help of Michelle to explore and release this lifetime.  Once I did the healing around this past life I was all in for this adventure.

It was amazing to be there and experience the energies of the ancient sites.  All that Isis promised in her message came true.  My abilities to channel and receive more messages from other Spiritual Beings are wide open.  There were so many profound healings among the group.  I now feel very connected to the land and the ancestors of Egypt.  My experience at the feet of the Sphinx was unbelievable, but that story is for another time.